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RF Facial Radiofrequency

A lifting and tightening treatment that offers amazing results

RF Facial Radiofrequency

A lifting and tightening treatment that offers amazing results

FINE LINES AND WRINKLES UNDER EYE PUFFINESS SKIN REJUVENATION SAGGING FACIAL SKIN HYPERPIGMENTATION A course of 6\8 weekly sessions is recommended followed by a monthly top-up to maintain results. We work with the medical-grade Dual Injector Pro machine, one of the best lifting and firming devices on the market. Radiofrequency stimulates collagen production, and lifts and firms the skin while Electroporation (no needle Mesotherapy) treats skin quality. We also offer many combination bespoke treatment packages, these are designed for the individual patient.


30 - 45 mins


1 - 2 weeks


Topical Cream

What to Expect
At Hollywood Medical, the consultation process for a radiofrequency (RF) facial with Theresa begins with a thorough discussion of the client's skincare goals and concerns. Theresa, a seasoned skincare professional, carefully assesses the client's skin condition, paying close attention to areas of aging, texture irregularities, and specific needs. Drawing on her expertise, she explains the benefits of RF technology in skin rejuvenation, highlighting its ability to stimulate collagen production and tighten the skin. Theresa takes the time to address any questions or concerns the client may have, ensuring they feel confident and informed about the procedure. Together, they develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to the client's unique skin type and goals. Theresa provides detailed pre-treatment instructions and post-treatment care recommendations to optimize results and ensure a comfortable experience. With Theresa's expertise and personalized approach, clients can expect a professional and rewarding RF facial consultation experience at Hollywood Medical.
Why get treated
Radiofrequency (RF) facial treatments offer a range of benefits for skin rejuvenation and anti-aging. By delivering controlled RF energy into the deeper layers of the skin, these treatments stimulate collagen production, leading to improved skin elasticity and firmness. RF facials can effectively reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin, resulting in a more youthful and refreshed complexion. Additionally, RF energy can target and shrink fat cells, leading to subtle contouring and tightening of the skin. Unlike more invasive procedures, RF facials are generally non-invasive, requiring minimal downtime and posing minimal risk of side effects. Overall, RF facials provide a safe and effective solution for achieving smoother, tighter, and more radiant skin without the need for surgery.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is radiofrequency (RF) facial treatment painful? RF facial treatments are typically well-tolerated and considered relatively comfortable. Patients may feel a warm sensation or mild tingling as the RF energy is delivered to the skin. However, discomfort is usually minimal, and many patients find the treatment quite relaxing. Any discomfort experienced is temporary and subsides quickly after the session.
Are there any side effects or downtime associated with RF facial treatment? RF facial treatments are non-invasive and typically carry minimal risk of side effects or downtime. Some patients may experience mild redness, swelling, or temporary skin sensitivity immediately following the treatment, but these effects typically resolve within a few hours to a day. Patients can typically resume their normal activities immediately after the session without any significant downtime. As with any cosmetic procedure, it's essential to follow post-treatment care instructions provided by your skincare professional to ensure optimal results and minimize the risk of adverse reactions.
After undergoing a radiofrequency (RF) facial treatment with Theresa at Hollywood Medical, clients receive comprehensive aftercare guidance to maximize their results and ensure a comfortable recovery. Theresa emphasizes the importance of gentle skincare practices following the treatment, advising clients to avoid harsh products or excessive exfoliation that could irritate the skin. She recommends using a gentle cleanser and moisturizer to keep the skin hydrated and protected. Additionally, Theresa advises clients to avoid direct sun exposure and wear sunscreen daily to protect the skin from UV damage. Clients are encouraged to stay well-hydrated and maintain a healthy lifestyle to support optimal skin healing and collagen production. With Theresa's expert guidance and personalized aftercare recommendations, clients can expect a smooth recovery process and long-lasting results from their RF facial treatment at Hollywood Medical.
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